Moissanite vs. Diamond

With an uptick in non-traditional gemstones for engagement rings you may be wondering where diamonds stand for modern shoppers. Our answer- diamonds still top the popularity charts. The diamond engagement ring trend started in 1477, when Archduke Maximillian of Austria commissioned the very first diamond engagement ring on record for Mary of Burgundy. Diamond engagement rings became the tradition we know today, when De Beers championed the “A Diamond is Forever” marketing campaign in 1948, solidifying the diamond’s correlation with eternal love and romance. Diamonds are a great choice for an engagement ring because they are the hardest substance on earth and can stand the test of time.  They are a symbol of longevity and add extraordinary beauty to any design.

Although diamonds are the most popular choice, many couples are exploring alternative gemstones to signify their everlasting love. One of the gemstones we are often asked about is moissanite. Specifically, we’re frequently asked which is better- diamond or moissanite? With this in mind, we thought it would be helpful to explore the similarities and differences between the two gemstones.

Diamonds are eye-catching due to their brightness, fire, and scintillation with the cut of the gemstone enhancing these features. A well-cut diamond reflects white light in such a way that dazzles and sparkles like no other gemstone. This means the cut of the stone is one of the most important factors to consider when shopping for a diamond. On the other hand, Moissanites are known for their brilliance and fire because of their higher rate of refraction. The fire dispersion properties of moissanite are about 2 1/2 times that of a diamond, creating a rainbow of colors. The larger the moissanite stone, the more the rainbow effect, and the more obvious it is that it isn’t a diamond. Some seek out this optical property, while others prefer the whiter light reflection of a diamond.

When shopping for an engagement ring, it is often a good idea to choose a stone that can stand up to the wear and tear of everyday life. A diamond is a great choice because it is the hardest natural known gem on earth. Only a diamond can scratch another diamond, so they can be worn all day during many different activities. Although softer than a diamond, moissanite is also a very hard material. A diamond is rated at a 10 on the Mohs hardness scale, while a moissanite rates between a 9.25-9.5. The Mohs scale is ordinal- so don’t let their closer numbers fool you- a diamond is still exponentially more durable than moissanite.

There are also color differences between diamonds and moissanites. Colorless diamonds are desirable and often sought after for their bright qualities. Moissanites are graded using the same system as the diamond color scale. Today, you can find moissanites in the same range of color as diamonds. Like a diamond, moissanite is available in colors equivalent to "near colorless" (G to I range) and "colorless" (D through F range). This gives moissanite buyers great options for mimicking their favorite diamond looks and styles. However, moissanite can change color based on lighting and may not always look perfectly colorless. Some stones will appear more yellow or yellow green. Therefore, those that are sensitive to color may prefer a diamond or a white sapphire to moissanite.

Lastly, one of the biggest differences between diamonds and moissanites is the price. A natural diamond is more expensive than a moissanite of the same size. They have different densities, so they cannot be compared by weight. Diamonds are often sold in terms of carat weight, while moissanites will be sold according to millimeter size. A 1-carat diamond will be comparable in size to a 6.5mm moissanite. The difference in price can seem too good to be true, but there is one thing to remember: a natural diamond will hold its value well beyond the day of purchase and a moissanite will not.

Although cost is an important factor in decision making when choosing a diamond vs moissanite, ultimately it comes down to what stone would make you the happiest. Some will choose a diamond for tradition, status, lasting value, or natural origin. Others prefer moissanite for sustainability, radiant fire, or simply because they can get the look they want for less. If you ask Matt, our owner here at Forsythe Jewelers, he will tell you that the diamond is still his favorite. This is a personal choice and there are no wrong answers! We are happy to go over your options and find just the right gemstone for you!

Linda Cass

Linda has 20 years of experience in the wonderful world of jewelry.  She graduated with her master’s degree from Nazareth College in Art Therapy but found her true passion for jewelry making when her son was born and began her journey as a silversmith to be home with him.  Linda has been selling her jewelry in the Western NY region at various fine art shows for over 15 years.  She joined our team in 2021 and loves helping customers design wearable works of art!  Outside of work, Linda enjoys working on her own projects in her metal studio.  She also loves spending time with her two teenagers that keep her life full of adventures!


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